Hack the Alps
Due to the covid-19 crisis the hackathon will be postponed.
Next topic: IoT in the mountains
Hack the Alps
After our very successful first hackathon back in 2018, we planned to launch the second edition of the hackathon in summer 2020. But due to the covid-19 crisis we had to postpone it. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get a notification as soon as we fixed a new date. The theme of the upcoming hackathon will be ``IOT IN THE MOUNTAINS``. As the Internet of Things (IoT) already changes our everyday lifes, we will challenge you to get even more things connected, gain insights in ways nobody did it before, solve real problems and build solutions on the of the Internet of Things.

Registration for the next hackathon is now OPEN!
We will notify you as soon as the date has been fixed.
This year we give exclusively 2 Startup packages! The community decides via Facebook-Likes/ Linkedin-Likes, who wins!
Voices from our previous events
Blog Post
Latest news about our hackathon
22 Feb 2020
HackTheAlps 2020 – Info Event
15 Jan 2020
Internet of Things IoT
16 Dez 2019
1st hack The Alps Hackathon finished